Remembering ‘Dewey’ Peterson

Ralph "Dewey" Peterson passed away on June 13, 2019. Click here to read obituary.

Living and working in Toronto – Canada's largest city – in the 1980s was both challenging and stimulating.

This was the decade the Computer Revolution hit the Western workplace and so many of our church's young people found careers in the Information economy.

Previous pastors in Toronto's Worldwide Church of God had laid a great foundation so the church kept pushing ahead in the 1980s – 104 baptisms in 1996 alone and a race to reach 1200 people. Singles visited care homes as part of an Outreach group and I finished a personal goal with an MA in history at the University of Toronto in 1992.

But the highlight was working with talented enthusiastic people – 60 nationalities made for a great educational experience and our team of elders and deacons was superb. One of them – Ralph "Dewey" Peterson, an executive with Kellogg's of Canada, avid softball coach, great family man and a key counselor with our support groups we started up in 1987. Dewey was a classy guy who raised a succeesul family and was always a solid anchoring presence in the good old Toronto church.

We will really miss him but he leaves a warm glow in all who knew him.