In 2009 God Wants People To Know...

By Neil Earle

  1. That we are created in His image (Genesis 1:27) with a similar emotional structure to Himself and a similar intellect to be able to know Him and enjoy Him.
  2. That we are God's children twice over – being adopted into the Divine Family by the merits of the Beloved Son (Ephesians 1:5-6) and designed for eternity, as our powers of imagination and subconscious already hint towards (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
  3. That this eternity will be spent in harmonious sharing and creativity and building each other up.
  4. That any sense of alienation we sometimes feel has been bridged by the Son, Jesus Christ, who presents us to the Father through the intercession of the Holy Spirit (John 17:3).
  5. That through the Holy Spirit, the Father and Son tabernacle inside us (John 14:23) just as Jesus tabernacled among us a brief while in the flesh.
  6. That God can take the abilities and talents with which every human being is endowed and magnify them abundantly for His service (1 Corinthians 12:7).
  7. That though we live in a dark world we are challenged to be called the light of the World, a reflection of the Light in which the Godhead dwells.
  8. That transmitting that light is one big reason we have been called and chosen (Matthew 5:14), a light which is more visible even if the world picture grows darker and darker.
  9. That we each possess the treasure of the Gospel, though in earthen vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7) and only by sharing this treasure will we ever find true purpose, true riches and fulfillment.
  10. That our lives are short and that our lives might indeed be the only Gospel some will ever "read" in this life and thus help deliver people from fear, doubt, loneliness, guilt and all the maladies that plague our race (2 Corinthians 5:20).