Archaeological Digs a Romantic Experience BAR none

Here is a recent letter to the editor of Biblical Archaeological Review (BAR) magazine:

Dear BAR,

The intriguing article "Love at First Site" and the story of the 1975 meeting of the Ritmeyers in your January-February 2007 issue prodded me to share the memory of meeting my own wife, Susan, on the Temple Mount Dig in 1970. We were there as part of seventy volunteers from the three Ambassador Colleges then located in Pasadena, California; Big Sandy, Texas; and Bricket Wood, England.

The Dig was under the direction of Dr. Benjamin Mazar. I not only met my spouse there (like Leen Ritmeyer I have joked with audiences that my wife was "my greatest find"), but so did 11 or 12 other couples from that same group. Other Digs that our colleges participated in from 1971 to 1975 had similar track records. I am sure I speak for most Ambassador diggers when I say that Jerusalem will always hold a cherished memory in our hearts.

Pastor Neil Earle
Duarte, CA

Ambassador College Diggers, Temple Mount, 1970. Neil Earle at top left with arms folded. Susan Welch, center of 2nd row to right of girl with sunglasses. Click to enlarge.
Neil Earle (white shorts) and other diggers pause for picture at Temple Mount Dig 1970. Click to enlarge.
Neil Earle (right) converses with Susan (lower right) and friends at Temple Mount Dig 1970. Click to enlarge.

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